The progeny of Oaks Sport Horses were well represented at the Pacific Fair Magic Millions Jumping event, held on the Gold Coast last weekend. Twelve teams of four combinations made up the competition and Oaks horses filled four of the slots, two on the Domeland team and two on the Martin Collins Australia Team.
Representing Domeland were Oaks Calypso, ridden by Brad Frankum and Oaks Conjuror, ridden by Clem Smith. Over a tough track, Calypso and Brad scored just five penalties, while Conjuror and Clem achieved a magnificent clear round, one of just six achieved on the day. These two combinations helped the Domeland team finish in second place on the day.

The Martin Collins Australia Team were represented by Oaks Ever Red, with Andrew Lamb and Oaks Abracadabra with Emma Collins aboard. Ever Red and Andrew were first out for their team and took a total of 10 penalties, while Abracadabra and Emma produced a “magical” clear round under pressure. The Martin Collins Australia team finished on a total of 10, which although tying for third place on penalties, were placed fourth overall based on time.

Overall, given there were just six clear rounds achieved in the competition, we are delighted that our Oaks horses achieved two of them, despite only making up a small percentage of the start list.
In all, it was a great start for our horses for 2024 and we look forward with great anticipation to what the rest of the year might bring.